Thank You for Joining Our Kickoff!

What an EPIC start to the 2025 dragon boat season! With nearly 100 paddlers, including 50+ first-timers, and a record-breaking 5 boats on the water, this is our BIGGEST season kick off EVER! 🔥The energy was high, the weather was perfect, and our passion for dragon boating was stronger than ever! ❤️

A HUGE thank you to all the first-timers who came out to give this amazing sport a try—we loved paddling with you and hope to see you back soon! And of course, a massive shoutout to board, members and volunteers for making this event such a success! We could not have done it without your love and support!

Missed it? No worries—we’re just getting started! All new comers still have two more FREE practices with us! Sign up for this coming week for more fun! We will see you on the water!

Want to join the membership already? Fill out the online form here

📸 Ronald Zulueta, Juno Chou

HH Races at DFW Dragon Boat, Kite, and Lantern Festival

Houston Heat hit the water once again at the DFW Dragon Boat, Kite, and Lantern Festival on October 6, 2024. The team performed strongly in the first two heats, but narrowly missed the top spot, finishing just behind DUC Dragon Boat Club to bring home 2nd place.

Though we didn’t clinch the win this time, it was an exciting race – especially for some of our addlers as their first race! It was a fantastic day of teamwork, racing, and supporting Texas local festival. We’re proud of the effort everyone put in and grateful to be part of such a vibrant community event. Great job, team! 💪🚣‍♀️🎉

HEAT ’em UP!

Houston Heat represented at CCWC 2024

Ten members from the Houston Heat Dragon Boat Club joined Texas’ premier dragon boat team, Lone Star Dragon, to compete in the 2024 Club Crew World Championships (CCWC) in Ravenna, Italy, from September 3-8, 2024. This historic moment marked the first time any Texas team had qualified for the CCWC. Our Houston Heat members raced alongside the Lone Star Dragons in the Senior A Mixed Standard division (20-person boat), proudly representing Texas on the world stage and making us all incredibly proud!


Another WIN at AAPI Heritage and Dragon Boat Festival

It was a beautiful Sunday, May 19, 2024, when the Houston Heat Dragon Boat Club participated in the inaugural @AAPI Heritage and Dragon Boat Festival held in Dallas, Texas. Led by our first-time festival coaches, Christi Pham and Joel Castaneda, the team was well-prepared and eager to compete.

The Heat Was On, both on the water and on land!  We showed up and put everything we’ve got in the race. Congratulations to the team for another win🥇!!!

HH taking home the GOLD!

We’re Back, Baby!! Houston Heat is on Fire! Gold for Austin!

What a weekend at the 2024 Austin Dragon Boat Festival! As you know, the Heat has been training hard and the results have paid off!

Due to the excitement and growth of the club for the 2024 season, Houston Heat was able to bring two teams to the event this year: Houston Heat Fire and Houston Heat Flame! Both teams joined 5 other teams to round out the competitive division.

In Texas, you never know what kind of weather you will get from Mother Nature. This day was no different! All of the teams faced a 20-25mph headwind, with up to 35-40mph gust! Let me tell you.. even though that headwind was brutal at times, it wasn’t about to deter the Heat!

HH Fire had a good number of first timers, and gain a huge amount of experience from their very first race! They battled hard throughout the day and even finished the final 1k distance race with 6:09.898! Congratulations to all of the Houston Heat Fire team!

HH Flame definitely turned the wick up. They finished first in the final with a 2:17.107 to take Gold in the A division and held the top spot for the fastest team of the day! Congratulations to all of the Flame members for a job well done!

The weekend was a huge success both on and off the water. Houston Heat went to Austin with a goal to not only race but to have a fun team experience! By the end of the day, all of the members left with great stories and an even tighter team bond! We are looking forward to the next race in Dallas, Texas on May 19th! Stay tuned for more!!